COVNA STARK inaandaa hafla ya Siku ya Mungu ndani ya kampuni

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12 Mar 2024

COVNA STARK inaandaa hafla ya Siku ya Mungu ndani ya kampuni

During this special March, COVNA STARK hosted an in-house Goddess Festival that was a warm and memorable celebration for all of its female employees. This event is not only to celebrate the unique charm of female employees, but also to reflect the company's care and attention to employees.

Siku hiyo, ukumbi mzima wa kampuni ulipambwa katika bahari ya waridi, iliyopambwa na puto, maua na vijito, vilivyojaa anga ya kimapenzi na joto. Wafanyakazi wote wa wanaalikwa kushiriki katika hafla hii maalum ya likizo, na wanavaa mavazi mazuri ili kuonyesha ujasiri na haiba.

Before the event began, the company prepared beautiful small gifts for female employees, and each female employee received a special gift to make them feel the company's care and value. At the same time, the well-prepared food and desserts also make the whole event more warm and pleasant.

Katika hafla hiyo, viongozi wa kampuni walitoa hotuba za shauku, wakionyesha shukrani zao na msaada kwa wafanyikazi wa. Walisisitiza umuhimu wa wanawake katika maendeleo ya kampuni na kuwahimiza kuendelea na juhudi zao na kuonyesha vipaji vyao. Aidha, mfululizo wa vikao vya kuvutia maingiliano ulifanyika ili kupumzika wafanyakazi wa na kuongeza mawasiliano na ushirikiano kati yao.

Through this Goddess Day event, COVNA STARK sends a special message of care and respect to all its female employees. Through such activities, the company lets employees feel the warmth and kindness of the company's big family, and inspires more enthusiasm and creativity of employees.

Overall, COVNA STARK's Goddess Day event is not only an opportunity to celebrate and celebrate female employees, but also reflects the important values of caring and solidarity in the company culture. Hopefully, in the coming days, the company can continue to hold similar activities so that employees can feel more cared and supported.

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